Tre fasi per accogliere di più gioia e piacere
Rick Hanson ha una meravigliosa tecnica che desidero condividere. Aiuta ad assorbire le emozioni positive e a riequilibrare la tendenza a vedere il negativo.
Consiste di tre fasi:
1) Cerca deliberatamente esperienze positive, possono essere cose semplici come apprezzare un fiore, godersi un buon succo o sentire il sole sulla pelle. Coltiva questi momenti per assorbire il buono nella tua vita e per orientare in questa direzione la tua mente.
2) Arricchisci l’esperienza, rimani in contatto con quello che provi per almeno 10 secondi. Apri il corpo, ascoltane le sensazioni e mantieni l’attenzione a quanto accade dentro di te qui ed ora. Assimila completamene l’esperienza, permettile di riempire sia la mente che il corpo, e amplificane l’intensità.
In questo modo entrerà nella memoria a lungo termine e abituerà la mente ad assorbire sensazioni piacevoli. Senza fretta permettiti di percepirle a fondo, sentendo e assaporando la gioia dentro di te.
3) Assorbi l’esperienza completamente, coltivando l’intento di farla essere parte di te e della tua memoria.
Più assorbiamo sensazioni piacevoli e più riusciamo a vivere in modo più equilibrato. Non per ignorare le esperienze negative nè per impedire avvenimenti dolorosi che sono una parte naturale della vita, ma per avere maggiore padronanza e non venire sopraffatti.
Dedicare tempo a coltivare gli aspetti positivi della nostra vita e le bellezze che ci circondano aiuta a immergerci in stati emotivi che si ripercuotono in modo benefico sulla nostra fisiologia, biochimica e sistema nervoso.
Rick Hanson has a wonderful technique I’d like to share that can help you reshape your brain’s neural pathways. It will help you allow your positive emotions to sink in and balance out your negativity bias.
The technique has three basic stages.
First, he advises us to deliberately seek out good experiences each day. They can be simple, like appreciating the beauty in your garden, enjoying a nice cup of tea or coffee or feeling the sun on your skin. So you deliberately want to cultivate these moments of taking in good in your life. This helps you to activate your brain and start the process of taking in the good.
Secondly, you want to then enrich the experience. To do this stay with the good experience for at least five seconds. Open up to the body sensations, feelings and all that is happening in the moment. Drink in the the good experience fully, letting it fill your mind and body and build in intensity.
As you do this, the experience will move from your short-term to your long-term memory which is important in rewiring your brain to take in more good. This may take a little time, as you want to truly connect with these feelings. Allow the experience to sink into your being as you truly engage with it. Feel the joy as you appreciate and savour the experience within you.
The third step is to then absorb the experience. Allow the experience to really sink in. Set the intention to make it feel part of you and take it with you in memory.
This technique can be used to help you truly appreciate and enjoy the positive moments in your life. The more we take in the good, the more we can see and experience life in a more balanced way. It’s not that we ignore negative experiences and we won’t stop bad things from happening as they are a natural part of life…but we can take control of how we perceive them so that we don’t become overwhelmed by that negativity bias.
So today and for the rest of this week, see if you can focus on taking in the good like this. Taking a moment to consider now… What are some good aspects in your daily life that you don’t usually notice? What is beautiful that you can appreciate and enjoy and savour as you go about your days?
As you cultivate this capacity for taking in the good you’ll notice a shift in your perceptions towards a more positive view of life. You’ll likely also experience a new lightness of heart and mind and a little more joy and wonder flowing into your days