10 modi per amare il nostro cervello / 10 ways to love our brain
Un vademecum per prenderci cura del nostro cervello:
- Un’alimentazione bilanciata con tanta verdura per ridurre il rischio del deterioramento cognitivo
- Ridurre i pensieri negativi
- Movimentoregolare che aumenta il battito cardiaco e aumento l’irroramento di corpo e mente.
- Principi nutritiviimportanti da assimilare nell’alimentazione ono gli omega 3 e le vitamine del gruppo B
- Rete socialecon persone che ti ispirano, ti sfidano e ti portano nuove cose da imparare.
- Ambiente pulitocon attenzione al fumo che aumenta il rischio di declino cognitivo
- Dormirebene e a sufficienza è fondamentale
- Proteggi la testa con cinture di sicurezza in auto e caschi duante gli sport
- Studiasempre cose nuove, tieni attiva la mente
- Gestisci lo stress e l’ansia
1) Good Brain Diet – Eat a balanced diet that is higher in vegetables to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
2) Reduce Negative Thoughts – Your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk, so keep it empowering and positive!
3) Exercise– Engage in regular exercise that elevates your heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain and body. Several studies have found an association between physical activity and reduced risk of cognitive decline.
4) Brain Nutrients– If you are not getting all your nutrition from your diet and busy lifestyle, consider adding the key brain nutrients like Omega 3’s, B vitamins, etc through supplementation.
5) Positive Peer Group– Buddy Up. Staying socially engaged may support brain health. Find ways to be around people that inspire, challenge and you can learn from. As they say, “if you are the smartest one in the room, you are in the wrong room!”
6) Clean Environment– Take time to organize your surroundings. A reminder to stay away from environmental hazards, such as smoke. Smoking increases the risk of cognitive decline. And quitting smoking can reduce risk to levels comparable to those who have not smoked.
7) Catch Some Zzz’s– Not getting enough sleep can result in problems with memory, focus, and thinking.
8) Brain Protection– Head injuries can raise the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Wear a seatbelt and use a helmet when playing contact sports or riding a bike.
9) New Learnings– Hit the books. Keeping your brain active will help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Take a class online.
10) Stress Management– Anxiety puts you into fight or flight mode, which is not the ideal state to study, learn, or remember in. Chronic stress is bad for your brain.
from Jim Kwik, www.kwiklearning.com